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Send Bulk Messages API


How it works

Send bulk messages to the phone numbers and at the end send an email.

Set up steps

Send request to the endpoint with the following payload:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[
        "text": "Hi there!",
        "phone": "123123"
        "text": "Hi there!",
        "phone": "123123"
        "text": "Hi there!",
        "phone": "123123"
        "text": "Hi there!",
        "phone": "123123"
]' https://localhost:5000/webhook/11111111-111111-1111-1111-d2ac95896744/messages/{SESSION}/bulk

It’ll send the message to the phone numbers and at the end send an email, and you can check database for the status of the messages.